
Never attended school (n = 53)

n (%)

Started school with disability (n = 28) n (%)

Dropped out after acquiring disability (n = 9) n (%)

Total (n = 90)

n (%)

The Department of Education has not made it possible for my child to go to school because he/she has a disability

38 (71.7)

19 ( 67.9)

6 (66.7)

63 (70)

Other children in my community don’t want to play with my child

25 (47.2)

11 (39.3)

2 (22.2)

38 (42.2)

The community considers my child as a shame in my family

30 (56.6)

14 (50)

6 (66.7)

50 (55.6)

They call my child different names because of his/her disability

40 (75.5)

18 (64.3)

7 (77.8)

65 (72.2)

My child is hidden because people laugh to him/her

10 (18.7)

4 (14.3)


14 (15.6)

Other people do not want my child to attend church because he/she is disabled

14 (26.4)

6 (21.4)

4 (44.4)

24 (26.7)

It is difficult for disabled girls to get married

39 (73.6)

23 (82.1)

7 (77.8)

69 (76.7)

It is difficult for disabled people to get a job

36 (67.9)

19 (67.9)

5 (55.6)

60 (66.7)